Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva (Pack of 10)
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Praying the Stations of the Cross with St. Josemaria Escriva is an invitation and guide to praying and contemplating the traditional fourteen stations following the way of Jesus Christ’s passion and death.
Like the original, this adaptation of St. Josemaria’s beloved devotion, The Way of Cross, seeks to help people to pray and, with God’s grace, to grow in a spirit of reparation and of gratitude to Our Lord, who has rescued us at the cost of his blood.
St. Josemaria’s scriptural commentaries, fruit of his personal prayer, help us to enter into and become one more in each scene, so that as we strive to accompany Jesus more intimately and lovingly, we come to understand the redemptive meaning of his suffering and our own.
The booklet features for each of the stations (click to see sample):
- A Scriptural commentary
- A brief reflection
- A verse from the Stabat Mater hymn
- Beginning and ending prayers
The packet of ten is sold at a discounted price and distributed by Midwest Theological Forum on behalf of the St Josemaria Institute. Individual copies can be purchased directly from the St. Josemaria Institute website –
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