Understanding the Scriptures – Semester Edition – HARDCOVER

Elective A: Sacred Scripture

Author: Scott Hahn
Pages: 342
Size: 8.5 x 11
ISBN: 978-1-936045-12-9
Binding: Hardcover

Elective A: Sacred Scripture


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Understanding the Scriptures, by Dr. Scott Hahn, presents an overview of the history of salvation, explaining how the covenants between God and his people in the Old Testament are fulfilled by the New Covenant in Jesus Christ.  Tracing a path through salvation history, Dr. Hahn explains the various books of the Bible and the importance of each biblical event, while highlighting the covenantal theme.

The closing of every chapter includes further readings and topics for discussion:

  • Supplementary Reading from Popes, Saints, and Church documents
  • Vocabulary, Study Questions and Practical Exercises
  • From the Catechism – pertinent reference going deeper into chapter topics

The Didache Semester Series is comprised of eleven High-School Textbooks (6 core; 5 elective) with accompanying Teacher Manuals and Student Workbooks.

Understanding the Scriptures corresponds to Elective A: Sacred Scripture

The Didache Semester Series Student Textbooks are published with Ecclesiastical Approval and prepared in accordance with the USCCB Curriculum Framework Doctrinal Elements for High School Age.

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