The Church – Parish Series

Author: Scott Hahn
Pages: 168
Size: 8.5 x 11
ISBN: 978-1-936045-83-9
Binding: Paperback


This text, The Church, Sacrament of Salvation, authored by Dr. Scott Hahn, presents how the Church, established by Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit, continues the salvific ministry of Christ in the world today. Themes include the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, the Universal Call to Holiness, the Marks of the Church, and the teaching authority of the Church.

Created in accordance with the USCCB Curriculum Framework for Parish and Youth Ministry Programs, Midwest Theological Forum has adapted its well-known Didache Semester Series textbooks for Catholic High Schools into an easy-to-use format for parishes and home study programs. Each of the eight Didache Parish Series titles is divided into individual weekly lessons intended to be covered over the course of one semester. The full-color, illustrated text provides ample column material, which includes Vocabulary terms, Focus Questions, Guided Exercises, Discussion Questions, and Quotes from YouCat.

Presenter’s Guides are available for each title of The Didache Parish Series.

Great book for homeschoolers!


My 9th grader is doing this for her second semester of religion at home, having completed The Mystery of Redemption last semester. I chose these because a generous parish priest has posted videos of him teaching this content to his class, so I have my daughter watch his videos, and then read the chapter and go over the discussion questions either orally or on paper. Doing them orally is a great way to gauge what she’s really understood and to go deeper together. We have had some great discussions. I love the content of the larger textbooks, but doing them on my own overwhelmed me! So these were a great start. We use them as a jumping-off point for other material and discussions. Highly recommend!


This book answers many questions.


A great treasure!


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